Haley Rositano’s Week of Not Throwing Anything Away…

As you read earlier, I unfortunately got a late start to my intervention and got sick halfway through the week.  Well, I am sadly still under- the- weather and my tissue use has only increased throughout the week despite all my efforts to reduce my excessive nose-blowing.  As far as my overall trash goes, I was surprised at how little food-packaging trash I accumulated throughout the course of this week. To be honest, most of my trash consisted of gum wrappers, tissue paper, and cough drop wrappers.  For most of the school week until Friday, I had been collecting my trash in SLO.  The hardest part for me was remembering to not throw away any trash throughout the day while I was attending class on campus. To combat this issue, I just ended up stuffing most of the wrappers I used on campus into my backpack and later transferred that trash to my glad bag.  I did not tell many of my roommates what I was doing, so it was pretty laughable when they saw me come home and put my backpack on the counter only to take these handfuls of trash out to transfer to my larger trash bag.  Anyways, as the week went on and I began to get more sick I decided I wanted to make a trip home to visit my family (and maybe just maybe so my mom would take care of me). As I was packing my things up and putting them into my car on Friday afternoon, I ALMOST forgot my weekly trash.  Once I realized, I laughed to myself and grabbed the almost-full glad bag and was on my way.  Here I was, driving home with my bags of clothes, backpack, computer, school supplies, and of course my bag of trash.  I did not tell my parents about this self-intervention so they were a bit confused  when I took this out of my car, but thought it was an interesting idea.  I continued collecting my trash while I was home as I was constantly adding to my tissue paper collection.  I definitely think going home reduced the amount of trash I produced because I was able to get taken care of by my sweet parents.  Although I had a bit of a rocky start, and had to collect my trash while dealing with a cold, this experience was nonetheless an eye-opening one.  I recommend that everyone does to become aware of how much waste they are actually producing. You may surprise yourself!


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