Trash Intervention – Katie Hoagland

I was very excited for this project at the beginning of the week, seeing it as a challenge to live mostly waste free for the week. I started out fairly strong, only filling half a mason jar with non-recyclables and collecting a few small carboard packages. About midweek however things went downhill. As I got more and more busy, my eating and shopping needs produced more and more waste. It was easy to produce little trash when I had time to prepare and shop with waste in mind, however when I got busy and stressed out I found myself purchasing what was easy, because I didn’t have time to cook and eat.

My week was also complicated by weekend activities. I ride horses competitively and was at a competition in Paso on Saturday and Sunday. Each day was a rush to get out of the house by 6am, and home around 7pm, so I was to busy and exhausted to prep any food for the day. Consequently my weekend was full of takeout food containers and disposable drink cups. Further complications occurred when my roommate took the trash out on Saturday…

All in all I am proud of how I did this week through Wednesday or Thursday. I ended the week with one mason jar full of non-recyclables and a dozen recyclables, plus food scraps and the containers I threw away while in Paso. If I was more in the habit of planning around waste I think this weekend could have gone a lot better, as that’s what I did at the beginning of the week when I produced little trash.

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